Screen Printing Workshop

  • صديقة للبيئة
  • سهلة الوصول لجميع الأشخاص
  • الدوحة, قطر
  • 4.9/5 reviews
  • En
  • Curated by: Janiththri
  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    2 ساعات
  • Number of Person
    4 - 8 حجز

Gift the perfect gift for the holiday season by learning to create some cute screens to print on tote bags, tea towel, etc.

ماذا ستفعل

Our screen printing beginner workshop is perfect for people who have little or no previous screen printing experience. It's a practical, hands-on and, most importantly, fun day of getting messy and creative.

Ages: 12+


  • فن وثقافة


  • All materials
  • Hot or cold drinks

لا يشمل:

  • Any services not mentioned
Selected Date
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ابدأ باختيار يوم لتظهر لك الأوقات المتوفرة
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سياسة الإلغاء:

48 hours

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