Shaqra and Ushaiqer Trip

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    8 ساعات
  • Number of Person
    10 - 10 حجز

Our journeys won't stop yet; in answer to your requests, we have created a unique Shakra and Ushaiger, distinguishing tourism path through history and magnificent farms, with the best tour guides.

ماذا ستفعل

Walking around Ushaqer and Shaqra is like walking through a live museum loaded with treasures of a bygone era. Ushaiger Heritage Village, located in the heart of Najd, offers a glimpse into traditional Saudi society. Ushaiger, where Bedouins originally inhabited 1,500 years ago, quickly became a popular halting site for pilgrims traveling to Makkah, thanks to its springs and low-brimmed olive and palm orchards. But, far from being a dusty, lifeless museum piece, Ushaiger – named after the adjacent red mountain that stands over the yellow mud dwellings – still has a modest population that makes use of its schools, shops, and mosques.


  • We'll be stopping at a bird reserve, so I hope you enjoy birds.


  • أنشطة خارجية
  • معالم المدينة


  • Transportation
  • Hospitality
  • Snacks
  • Specialized bilingual guide

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  • Additional services
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