Fastboat from padangbai to Gili Trawangan - Gili Meno - Gili Air

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    1 ساعات 30 دقائق
  • Number of Person
    1 - 4 حجز

Transfer with fastboat from Padangbai to Gili island is taking 1 hour 30 minutes. The overland distance from Padang Bai to Gili Trawangan , Gili Meno, Gili Air is 47 miles (75 km).

ماذا ستفعل

- Gili Trawangan is the largest and most popular of the three islands. It has a vibrant nightlife to keep you entertained once the sun goes down. With a wide collection of restaurants and bars, you’ll never be short of entertainment. - Gili Meno is a most idyllic and romantic retreat for honeymooners, but has sufficient attractions and things to do. Around the island are three dive spots that are favorite with scuba divers, they are called the Meno Wall, Sea Point Turtle, and Point Coral Blue. Besides, there is a seawater lake and a Bird Park that comes complete with homestay facilities. - Diving is the main attraction to Gili Air and the dive schools attest to this. You will see amazing marine life ranging from sea turtles, fish and beautiful corals among other creatures. Biking: Take a bicycle ride around the island and get into one with nature.


  • أنشطة خارجية
  • معالم المدينة
  • التعليم الممتع
  • الصحة والعافية
  • للمغامرين


  • Pick up Transfer from Hotel in Ubud
  • Insurance
  • Fastboat or Ferry ticket

لا يشمل:

  • Extra charge for pick up hotel outside of Ubud
Selected Date
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