Hike to Mount Longonot

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    1 أيام
  • Number of Person
    2 - 20 حجز

Lying 75 km north west of Nairobi, rising from the floor of the Great Rift Valley like a monolith is the extinct volcano of Mount Longonot. A unique feature is the thick forest that lies within the crater of the mountain. The crater rim also provides great scenic views across the beautiful Rift Valley all the way to Lake Naivasha. Amazing wildlife roaming in the thick bushes includes the Gazelles, Hartebeests, elands, Buffaloes, Giraffes among others with plenty of birds thus making it an awesome destination not only for hiking but also a mountain with a scenery, birds and wild animals. As a hiker enthusiast this offers a wonderful hiking destination where you enjoy hiking a mountain on the great rift valley. Going round a dormant Volcano is fulfilling. The amazing views on top are worth it, you get to enjoy the escarpment, Lake Naivasha and many more.

ماذا ستفعل

Starting will be from your Nairobi Hotel or a designated location at 0630 hrs and drive to Mt longonot located 75 kms Northwest of Nairobi. We will have a short stop over at the great rift valley view point for scenery viewing and pictures.

After park formalities we will start the climb and climb for 3 kilometers up to the crater rim, later on we will walk another 7 kilometers round the crater and finalize back down 3 km to the park entrance. The hiking duration always depends with personalized walking pace always between 3 hours and 6 hours. The highest point or the summit is known as Kilele Ngamia at 2780 MASL.

After a successful hike we will drive to Lake Naivasha for an optional boat-ride in the lake as we explore the magnificent birdlife in the lake and many schools of hippos.

We will later drive back to Nairobi in the evening where we will drop you at your hotel.


  • للمغامرين


  • Transport From Nairobi and Back
  • Proffessional english speaking Tour Guide
  • Bottled water
  • entrance fee to both attractions

لا يشمل:

  • Lunch
  • Personalised Drinks and snacks
  • travel Insurance
  • Tips and Gratuities
  • Any Item not included in the itinerary
Selected Date
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