ATV / Quad Bike Adventures

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    5 Horas
  • Number of Person
    1 - 6 Persona

- Jungle Atv through Rice Paddies, River, Tunnel (Cave) and Waterfall - The most complete Atv Ride adventure

que vas a hacer

Bali Atv Adventure has a special path for Atv quad bike adventure trips. Combining rice fields, valleys, plantations, rivers, waterfalls and paths in the cave. Make it most different quad bike tours among Atv adventure providers in Bali. Located to the north of Ubud, away from the crowds, making this path truly natural. The condition of a good quad bike, a professional adventure guide. Challenging and natural tracks is one of the advantages of Bali


  • Salud y bienestar
  • Aventurera


  • Pick up and Drop at your Hotel
  • Lunch
  • Insurance


  • Additional charge for pick up outside of Ubud area
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