Ceramics Wheel Workshop

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    1 Horas
  • Number of Person
    1 - 14 Persona

Along all of the ways to make pottery we choose the pottery wheel, work on one to create your ceramic cup.

que vas a hacer

 Learn how to work on a pottery wheel to create your own one-of-a-kind cup. You’ll learn how to make a ceramic cup with this workshop. it is so simple, therefore it is a great experience to try with friends and/or family. Children over the age of five are welcome, but must be accompanied by a parent who is present at the workshop.
·      To enjoy making your pieces, it is preferable to cut nails for your convenience during the workshop.
·      No prior knowledge needed.
·      You will be given enough materials to construct your mug.
·      Coloring is not included in the workshop.


  • Artística


  • Mentor
  • Material to create your cup


  • Coloring
Fecha seleccionada
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Política de cancelación:

The date of the workshops can be postponed by contacting us no later than 48 hours (two days) before the day of the workshop.. Cancellation of the workshop a week before the workshop: full refund.

Reseñas (1)

  • Z
    Zaid Alnahi
    May 01, 23

    Highly recommended experience

    The experience was delightful, enjoyable and worth doing again. Highly recommended and I would like to thank Viavii team for all the professionalism they have showed.

Curated name


في هذه التجربة ستقوم بإعداد قطعة خزفية باستخدام عجلة الخزف،الرجاء قص الأظافر قبل الذهاب للتجربة. التجربة مناسبة لعمر 5 سنوات وأعلى

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