Day Trip to Farasan Islands

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    9 Horas
  • Number of Person
    4 - 12 Persona

Spend the day exploring the beautiful Islands of Farasan. The island is known for its incredible biodiversity and boasts pristine coral reefs for epic scuba diving, a variety of fish and world-class birding for species including the white-eyed gull, the crab plover and the sooty falcon.

que vas a hacer


5 AM - Wake up and breakfast

6 AM - Drive to the marina

9 AM - Arrive at Farasan Marina

10 AM - Enjoy boat rides, swimming, snorkeling, and fantastic views

11 AM - Arrive to islands

12 PM - Arrive to the swimming area and enjoy some refreshments 

2 PM - Back to Jazan


  • al aire libre
  • Visita turística de la ciudad
  • Aventurera


  • Transportation
  • Museum and Visits
  • Boat trip
  • Snacks & drinks
  • Professional team


  • Additional Services
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{{person_types.filter((el, idx) => { return !el.hasOwnProperty('checked') || (el.hasOwnProperty('checked') && el.checked == 'true'); }).length }} tipos de entradas disponibles para {{current_active_date}}
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Total for {{ total_tickets }} tickets Descuento {{ total_price_before_discount_html }} a Loading... {{ total_price_html }}
Total for {{ total_tickets }} tickets Descuento {{ orignal_sale_price_total }} a Loading... {{ total_price_html }}
Total for {{ total_tickets }} tickets Descuento {{ total_price_before_discount_html }}
Descuento {{ total_price_ticket_type_before_discount_html }} a Loading... {{ total_price_html }}
Total for {{ total_tickets }} tickets Loading... {{ bravo_format_money(bravo_booking_data.price*total_tickets) }} {{ bravo_format_money(bravo_booking_data.sale_price * total_tickets) }} {{ total_price_html }}
{{ Math.ceil((( bravo_booking_data.price - bravo_booking_data.sale_price ) / bravo_booking_data.price ) * 100) }}% OFF
Política de cancelación:

120 hours or more penalty of 10% per person (with option to get a refund for credit towards future trips),

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Adventure | Hiking | Off Roading Our goal is to create tourism services and entertainment in several location and hotspots that are new, we will remove the burden of planning the daily activities from our client.

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