Sobre Chayane

Hello, my name is Chayane, i am 21 years old and i am half french half lebanese. Having grown up in qatar and attending an international school with students from over 60 nationalities, i find it very easy to form friendships with people who do not have the same background as me. Additionally, i have had the privilege to travel to numerous countries and experience a completely different lifestyle to my life in qatar, and that has made me appreciate the life my parents gave me here even more. However one 'hobby' of mine is definitely trying different cuisines and discovering new restaurants all across the globe.. so yes, the foodie in the group is...ME!

Unido 09 , 2022
Basado en Qatar

Chayane Blog • 8

Qatar Souq Waqif and Msheireb Downtown Guided Tour
4x4 Dune Bashing at the Sealine in Qatar
974 Cruise Houseboat Experience
Showing 4 - 6 of 8 Blogs
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