Despite its ancient lineage, Amman as it appears today is largely a mid-20th-century creation, and visitors looking for the quintessential vestiges of a Byzantine Middle East will have to look quite hard. What they will see instead is a homogeneous, mostly low-rise, cream-coloured city of weathered concrete buildings, some sparklingly clad in white marble, others rather grey and in need of a facelift.
48 Hours
I have dined with the richest and slept with the poorest. Traveled around the world and hosted people from all over the world in my house, as I'm the couch surfing ambassador in Amman. I speak English Fluently and I have been educated to a Ph.D. level in one of the top universities in the world. I am one of the most active individuals in Amman and can be seen as a sportsman with experience in a wide range of sports. A conversation with me means fun, laughter, experiences, and new insights. sometimes I do stand-up Comedy.
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