Photo Walk Through the Ghost Town

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    6 Hours
  • Number of Person
    2 - 4 Person

Join a photo walk to one of Qatar's hidden gem, the ruins of the Al Jumail fishermen's village and ghost town. Get to meet new people and learn more about the history of the place alongside certain photography tips & knowledge.

What you’re going to do

If you’re interested in art and photography then join me for a photo walk to the Al Jumail Ruins also known as the Fishermen’s Village & Ghost Town, it’s guaranteed to be a memorable experience. Exploring the ruins of Al Jumail takes you away from the crowded city, and you get to discover the history. By exploring the ruins and get a glimpse of life of those who called it home back in the early 1900s and learn about how they thrived for generations in the harsh desert conditions surviving on fishing and pearling alone.. 

You will also learn more about photo compositions and creative ways to capture photographs whether you use a smartphone or any camera and enjoy getting to meet new people. One of the interesting facts about this place is that you will find the remains of the pottery shards, beads and glass and the doorways and tracts of the traditional houses still remain. These items are perfect for capturing memorable photographs and to sharpen your photography skills.

By signing up for this you get to live a 2 in 1 experience; where you not only get to have lifelong memories but also gain creative photography skills.


Things to note:

Al Jumail ruins is approximate 1 hour away from the city of Doha.

Transportation is provided from Doha to Al Jumail and back.

Pick up location can be agreed on upon booking confirmation.

Photography equipments will not be provided so bring your own camera - a phone works too!


  • Adventurous


  • Transportation to and from location


  • Photography equipments
  • Food and beverages
Selected Date
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Start with choosing a day to show the available times.
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Cancellation Policy:

48 hours

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I am a self-taught photographer & graphic designer. I was born in Bangladesh, then moved to Qatar. As I was raised here, I consider myself as a multicultural person and enjoy meeting new people from all backgrounds and ages.

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