VR 360 Video - Local Sayadia Food making Experience

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    1 Hours
  • Number of Person
    1 - 20 Person
Recorded experience

In this experience, you will be able to help the local cook to make these dishes step by step to learn the secret of their ingredients and how to make them.

What you’re going to do

Sayadia and Bokhari are two of the most famous local food dishes in Aqaba. It's made up of many different spices. The people of Aqaba typically make these dishes on official occasions and events. In this experience, you will be able to help the local cook to make these dishes step by step to learn the secret of their ingredients and how to make them.


  • Foodies


  • VR 360 recorded experience


  • N/A
Selected Date
Start with choosing a day to show the available times.
Start with choosing a day to show the available times.
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{{ Math.ceil((( bravo_booking_data.price - bravo_booking_data.sale_price ) / bravo_booking_data.price ) * 100) }}% OFF
Cancellation Policy:

24 Hours

Reviews (1)

  • آدم حسين الوفي
    آدم حسين الوفي
    Dec 21, 22


    جيدا ليس سئ سوف احول تجربتة

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