Al-Qatt Al-Aseeri Art on Canvas

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    1 ساعات 30 دقائق
  • Number of Person
    4 - 40 حجز

This is not just an art class, it's an experience!

ماذا ستفعل

In this experience you will have the chance to discover Al-Qatt Al-Aseeri art by drawing its fantastic and unique shapes and coloring them on a canvas. You will also learn about how this art started, its shapes, and its colors. At the end you will enjoy the Southern region's moves and grooves!


  • فن وثقافة
  • التعليم الممتع


  • Art supplies

لا يشمل:

  • Transportation
Selected Date
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الآراء (1)

  • C
    Christine Al Zubi
    Aug 26, 23

    Exciting experience

    The experience was really nice, we all enjoyed it! The guide was very kind and helpful also It was a wonderful experience we loved it Thanks Viavii

Curated name


Alkuttab is a center that teaches Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. It also offers many cultural experiences starting from Islamic art, cooking, learning about the history of the Arabian peninsula, to experiencing Saudi Arabia's moves and grooves.

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