A World Full of Fantasia!

Selecting a theme for my second blog has not been an easy job. In fact, I started drafting a totally different street experience along with some images that I did not think would trigger any excitement or qualify for publishing.

I knew I needed something different, something more out of the lens; so I decided to jump onto a new “explorative expedition”, as I like to call it, in the bustling streets of Amman.

It is like fishing - you know, you go out wishing for a great catch, but the stakes are high you end up with a tiny fish that does not feed your hunger - so is the case with street blogging!

To set the mood for the day, I prepared my gear and left home with positive energy and a big smile on my face. I navigated the rush hour with a few frustrations coming along from fellow drivers but that did not take away any of my enthusiasm or calmness. 

I arrived at my destination, parked my car, and went down.

Usually, the first half an hour sets the tone and expectations. I always warm up with a few impersonal shots and brief encounters with my subjects.

That day, an hour passed, and still felt that nothing interesting came my way. I even started to feel down and frustrated. I thought to myself "oh well, it's one of those days!" Then, some unusual vibes and situations started to emerge in front of my eyes.

I began to loosen up and slowly immersed myself in the process. That’s exactly the spirit needed for taking some good shots on the streets. Then, scenes started to unfold, and gradually, I overcame my photographer’s block. I knew I would have something worthy to share.

In this special collection, I was particularly drawn to strong colors, shades, and the positioning of my subjects. I also had more courage to approach people on the streets and discover new alleys that I have never walked through before.

I kept an open mind about what to shoot, so when I went back home and quickly checked my camera roll, I was taken aback.

I directly knew what I would call this collection - "Fantasia" - I had no doubts!

The collection represented my vision of a new reality and unfamiliar territories where all the elements are grounded yet collide in harmony. 

Out of curiosity, I had to look up the exact meaning of the word Fantasia in all its possible origins, though I was quite certain that it did not have any Arabic origins. It has roots in Latin, ancient Greek, and Italian - all of which describe imagination and fantasy. 

In Arabic, the word reflected the pieces of literature or scripts that were inspired by imaginary or bizarre settings. "This is an appropriate word to name such a collection", I thought to myself.

"Fantasia" further extendes its glorious meaning into the field of music and refers to a composition usually with a free form and often an improvisatory style; as I listen to Chopin’s piano piece Fantaisie Impromptu, I could not help but feel the mysterious street stories and unconventional characters that weaved the whole collection.

I really enjoyed making this collection, I hope this blog will somehow inspire you to realize a fantasy world of your own!

To view the full Fantasia collection, please refer to Abeer’s Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/abeerstreetblogger/reels/?hl=en


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