Day Tour To Coptic Cairo and Cave Church

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    8 Horas
  • Number of Person
    2 - 20 Persona

Visit Christian sites and Churches in Cairo, the Church of Abu-Sergah and St. Barbara, the hanging church, and the old Jewish synagogue Ben Ezra Synagogue, and finally The Famous Cave Church.

que vas a hacer

Our tour guide will pick up you at 9:00 AM from your Hotel to visit Old Cairo, also known as Christian Coptic Cairo which is among the most important locations visited by the Holy Family where the spiritual impact of their presence is most felt still; though their stay was brief, for the Governor of what was then Fustat enraged by the tumbling down of idols at Jesus’ approach sought to kill the Child. But they took shelter from his wrath in a cave above which, in later years, the Church of Abu Serga (St Sergious) was built. This, and the whole area of the Fort of Babylon, is a destination of pilgrimage not only for the Egyptians but for Christians from around the world. An air of piety and devotion pervades the whole district there. Also there you will be able to visit and enter the Church of Abu-Sergah and St. Barbara, the hanging church, then visit The Famous Cave Church of St. Simon. In Cairo there are seven cave churches carved into the nearby Moqattam Mountain. The Monastery of St. Simon the Tanner is the largest and has an amphitheater with a seating capacity of 20,000. It is worth a visit if you are interesting to see something different in Egypt

Meals: Lunch at a local restaurant.



  • Visita turística de la ciudad


  • All transfers by a private air-conditioned vehicle
  • Pick up services from your hotel & return
  • Private multi-lingual Egyptologist guide
  • Entrance fees to all the mentioned sites
  • Lunch meal will be served in a local restaurant
  • Bottled water during your trip
  • Shopping tours in Cairo
  • All taxes & service charge


  • Any extras not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Tipping
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Curated name


My name is Amr and I was born in Egypt in 1980. I have a Bachelor of Tourism and have been running my own travel business and as a licensed tour guide for 20 years. I'm an Egyptologist so I have access to all discovered sites in Egypt.

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