Education City Tour: Learn While You Travel

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    4 Horas
  • Number of Person
    1 - 6 Persona

Visit the famous Education City that is driven by the vision of Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser for science, technology, education and community development.

que vas a hacer

Driven by the Emir’s mother Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Education City is an initiative of Qatar Foundation for Science, Technology, Education and Community Development. Located in Al Rayyan Municipality, it is the home of some of the world’s major Universities, Qatar National Library, a centre for Islamic Studies, Mathaf Museum (the home to the world’s largest collection of Modern Art), Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra, Al Shaqab Horse Racing Academy and Oxygen Park.

It started with a single school but now has transformed into ‘Education City,’ a 12 square kilometer campus housing multiple educational and research institutes. A hub for students, with a world-class housing facility, prestigious universities on a world-class level, entertainment facilities, and many more. Discover this city enclosed within a city, visit the beginning of Education City, and explore its many wonders now with state-of-the-art architecture of buildings, trams, and institutes.

*Infants  0-1 year old can join free.



  • entretenimiento educativo


  • Food and drinks
  • Private transportation
  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Pick up and drop off


  • Tips and other fees
  • Wheelchair access
  • Stroller access
  • Infant seats
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{{ Math.ceil((( bravo_booking_data.price - bravo_booking_data.sale_price ) / bravo_booking_data.price ) * 100) }}% OFF
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We charge 100% cancellation fee for cancellations within 24 hours of experience.

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With years of international tourism experience as well as experience of working internally with Qatar museums and Qatar Foundation, we took an initiative to provide enriched tours with culture and activities that no one else can provide in Qatar.

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