Explore the North of Qatar's Rich Heritage

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    4 Horas
  • Number of Person
    1 - 20 Persona

During this tour to the North of Qatar, we will explore the fishing town of Al Khor and the historic Al Zubara Fort, a military fortress that overlooks the only UNESCO World Heritage site in Qatar with the a stunning sunset view.

que vas a hacer

Al Zubarah was a thriving pearl fishing and trading port. Now it’s Qatar’s largest heritage site, with its impressive city wall, ancient residential palaces and houses, markets, industrial areas and mosques. It’s one of the best-preserved examples of an 18th and 19th century Gulf merchant town and in 2013 was named a UNESCO World Heritage site. You will be able to go inside the fort that is now preserved by Qatar Museums, and embark on a journey to understand Qatar's pearl fishing history and the battlese that this fort has witnessed.

You will also visit the fishing town of Al Khor and see the tradition wooden dhows that are stowed by the Al Khor port. Here you can explore the traditional fishing methods that are still adopted there. If you are there at the right time, you may even see how the fishermen sell the fish they caught for the day at the fish market right by the port.

*Pick up and drop off location can be arranged upon booking confirmation



  • entretenimiento educativo


  • Foods & Drinks
  • Bottled Water
  • Private transportation
  • All fees & taxes


  • Wheelchair access
  • Stroller access
  • Infant seats
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{{person_types.filter((el, idx) => { return !el.hasOwnProperty('checked') || (el.hasOwnProperty('checked') && el.checked == 'true'); }).length }} tipos de entradas disponibles para {{current_active_date}}
Descuento {{ total_price_before_discount_html }} a Loading... {{ total_price_html }}
Total for {{ total_tickets }} tickets Descuento {{ total_price_before_discount_html }}
Total for {{ total_tickets }} tickets Descuento {{ orignal_sale_price_total }}
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{{ Math.ceil((( bravo_booking_data.price - bravo_booking_data.sale_price ) / bravo_booking_data.price ) * 100) }}% OFF
Política de cancelación:

We will charge a cancellation fee of 100% if booking is cancelled 1 day or less before the event, a cancellation fee of 0% if booking is cancelled 7 days or less before the event

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With years of international tourism experience as well as experience of working internally with Qatar museums and Qatar Foundation, we took an initiative to provide enriched tours with culture and activities that no one else can provide in Qatar.

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