Shared Budget Full-Day Trip from Marrakech to Ouzoud Waterfalls

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    9 Horas
  • Number of Person
    1 - 17 Persona

Discover the natural beauty of Morocco with our shared budget full-day trip from Marrakech to the stunning Ouzoud Waterfalls. Immerse yourself in the cascading waters, hike through picturesque landscapes, and enjoy a refreshing swim. Experience the enchantment of Ouzoud on this affordable adventure.

que vas a hacer

Join our shared budget full-day trip from Marrakech to the breathtaking Ouzoud Waterfalls, an ideal choice for budget-conscious travelers seeking a memorable experience in nature.

Departing from Marrakech, you'll travel in a shared vehicle towards the Ouzoud Waterfalls, located approximately 150 kilometers northeast of the city. As you approach the falls, the sound of rushing water and the green oasis will captivate your senses.

Upon arrival, embark on a guided hike along well-marked trails that offer breathtaking views of the waterfalls from different perspectives. Marvel at the impressive torrents as they plunge into the crystal-clear pools below, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. Don't forget to capture stunning photos of this natural wonder.

While exploring the area, you'll have the opportunity to encounter Barbary macaque monkeys, the resident inhabitants of Ouzoud. Observe these playful creatures in their natural habitat, but please remember not to feed them for their own safety and wellbeing.

Take a break at one of the local restaurants overlooking the falls, where you can enjoy a meal at your own expense while savoring panoramic views of the cascades. Alternatively, you can relax and unwind in the tranquil atmosphere of Ouzoud.

If you're looking for a refreshing experience, take a dip in the natural pools at the base of the falls. Feel the cool water against your skin and let the cascades provide a soothing massage, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

As the day comes to a close, bid farewell to the Ouzoud Waterfalls and return to Marrakech, carrying with you the beauty of this natural paradise.



  • al aire libre


  • Shared round-trip transportation from Marrakech
  • Local experienced driver/guide
  • Guided hike to the Ouzoud Waterfalls


  • Meals and drinks
  • Personal expenses

preguntas frecuentes

How long is the journey from Marrakech to Ouzoud Waterfalls?
The journey from Marrakech to Ouzoud Waterfalls takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
Is the hike to the waterfalls suitable for all fitness levels?
The hike to the waterfalls is generally easy, with well-marked trails and some inclines. It is suitable for most fitness levels, but please keep in mind that there are some uneven surfaces and steps along the way.
Are there restaurants or cafes at the waterfalls?
Yes, there are several restaurants and cafes located near the waterfalls where you can purchase meals and refreshments. You are also welcome to bring your own snacks and drinks.
Is there an additional fee for encountering the monkeys?
No, there is no additional fee for encountering the Barbary macaque monkeys. However, it is important to remember not to feed them for their own safety and wellbeing.
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1 day before the tour starts full refund

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