Experience the Qatari Camel Racing Heritage

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    4 Hours
  • Number of Person
    1 - 20 Person

During camel racing season, we will collect you, drive you to Qatar's racing track at Al Shahaniya so you can enjoy the thrill of the camel race that is a big part of the Qatari culture and heritage.

What you’re going to do

There you will be able to be photographed with camels, go behind the scenes, see both the finish and start line, drive like Qataris along side the many races and experience the thrill and excitement of live races with your guide.

*Timing includes pick up and drop off.

*Mininum age: 3 years old

*This experience is only available during camel racing season. Submit an inquiry to check availability of the experience on the date you wish to make the booking.


  • Outdoorsy


  • Bottled water
  • All fees and taxes


  • Wheelchair access
  • Stroller access
  • Infant seats
Selected Date
Start with choosing a day to show the available times.
Start with choosing a day to show the available times.
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{{ Math.ceil((( bravo_booking_data.price - bravo_booking_data.sale_price ) / bravo_booking_data.price ) * 100) }}% OFF
Cancellation Policy:

We will charge a cancellation fee of 100% if booking is cancelled 1 day or less before the event.

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With years of international tourism experience as well as experience of working internally with Qatar museums and Qatar Foundation, we took an initiative to provide enriched tours with culture and activities that no one else can provide in Qatar.

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232.47 SAR
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