Qatar's West Coast: Zekreet, Richard Serra & Mushroom Rock Formation

  • Difficulty Level
  • Duration Time
    4 Horas
  • Number of Person
    1 - 6 Pessoa

During our leisurely trip to the desert we will take you to see Oryx – Qatar’s national symbol, rock formation and the stunning Richard Serra monuments. You will also visit Film City an area that is now protected by the Ministry of Environment.

O que você vai fazer

Serra's public art has always been driven by a desire to take sculpture off the pedestal and on to the street – which perfectly aligns with our philosophy at Qatar Museums. To him, the content of the work derives from interaction with the viewer, meaning he always has pedestrians in mind. He acknowledges that he can't predetermine what people will make of it.
The film city is a contemporary recreation of an antique Arabic village nestled behind a canyon in the desert of the Zekreet peninsula.


*You may meet us at the location or request a pick up upon booking confirmation

*Free for infants below 1 year old



  • Edutainment


  • Food & drinks Bottled water
  • Hotel pickup and drop off


  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Not stroller accessible
  • Not suitable for pets
  • Infant seats
  • No public transportation nearby
Selected Date
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Comece escolhendo um dia para mostrar os horários disponíveis.
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{{ Math.ceil((( bravo_booking_data.price - bravo_booking_data.sale_price ) / bravo_booking_data.price ) * 100) }}% OFF
Política de cancelamento:

We will charge a cancellation fee of 100% if booking is cancelled 1 day or less before the event

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With years of international tourism experience as well as experience of working internally with Qatar museums and Qatar Foundation, we took an initiative to provide enriched tours with culture and activities that no one else can provide in Qatar.

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