Our story

We live in an extraordinary age. People are constantly curious, eager to explore and looking for new exciting adventures. That’s why we are here – to help feed your curiosity, passion and creativity through hand-picked experiences and itineraries.

By enabling “the era of people-to-people travels”, we aim to fulfill people’s desire to experience the world authentically. Whether you choose an experience only a drive away, or decide to travel across the globe, our diverse community of hosts offer experiences to suit every individual as unique as you are. We do that by providing travellers, wherever they may be, with a user-friendly online platform, that designs a tailored personalised travel experience based on budget and interest, while connecting them with delightful and talented people from around the world.

Some have labelled this new era as “the experience economy”, we are interpreting it as; people want to live their lives more fully, not by buying more things, but by collecting new experiences. In simple words, we’re putting the traveling experience in the hands of the traveller.

Estamos em uma missão para

Connect and train our entrepreneurs in a Local Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (LEETS).

Integrate digital technology to transform experiences into bookable online content, enabling travelers to discover local communities.

Achieve a spiral of empowerment and social impact mainly focused on supporting women and youth to develop and grow sustainable businesses.

Adopt innovation technologies to digitally-enhance their business models into value systems.

VIAVII in numbers

jobs created

+400 empregos criados

Criamos mais de 400 empregos e até 90 empresas domésticas, transformando habilidades, histórias e paixões em carreiras sustentáveis.

Explore careers
Canoeing experience

+1000 experiências projetadas

Exploramos e capacitamos comunidades em áreas rurais e treinamos anfitriões por meio de nossos programas de capacitação.

Ver experiências
Revenue increase

Aumento de receita de 25%

Geramos novas e diferentes fontes de renda para nossos anfitriões digitalizando suas experiências e tornando-as disponíveis para reservas online.

Crie experiências

Encontrou sua paixão e quer compartilhá-la com o mundo?

✓ Compartilhe o amor que você tem por sua cultura e cidade
✓ Conheça pessoas maravilhosas e construa amizades duradouras
✓ Passe o conhecimento e ganhe dinheiro fazendo algo que goste
Comece a ganhar dinheiro