Eu sou um coreano nativo que mora em Seul. Vou falar com você com um inglês bem básico. Aprenda coreano em uma aula online de um dia! Você gosta de BTS, jogo Squid, Minari? Aprenda coreano para entender a cultura coreana! Você aprenderá como pronunciar frases famosas do Squid Game e letras do BTS.
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Hello, I am GJ in South Korea. I introduce traditional Korean astrology - Asian fortunetelling SAJU. I would like to tell you the mystery of Asian philosophy. I want to talk about the fate you were born with - how date and time has through the insight into the world it has. This is statistics, not superpowers. And also If you have a memory of the excitement of your trip, you may dream of a chance to travel again someday. I look forward to meeting you in person soon. I am a travel guide and writer. Let me introduce you to major traditional attractions, famous market attractions, and popular attractions recently.
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